16 August 2023 7:40
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding firefighter training you provided. Your expertise and dedication truly shone throughout the course. The hands-on approach and real-world scenarios made the learning experience engaging and impactful. I feel more confident and prepared thanks to your guidance. Thank you for your commitment to our safety and growth.
07 December 2021 7:34
The worst company I dealt with. Their salesperson Fabeesh is so unprofessional. I don't recommend doing your training with them.
09 November 2021 16:45
Was a great experience. The training conducted was clear and professional. Will definitely recommend it to others and am looking forward to attending more!
30 October 2021 6:25
Neil was very good. Straight to the point, good practical examples. I feel more confident after his training that I would know how to react in a fire situation. The practical training was fun and relevant
21 October 2021 8:59
Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value
Mr. Mohan (Trainer) was very professional. He is able to relay all important info to us effectively. He keeps the discussion lively and has different techniques on keeping us actively listening. He asks questions and keeps the interaction alive.
07 November 2017 1:32
I had a training session in Dynatech for First Aid. It was really helpful.

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