17 July 2023 15:56
To my surprise they refuse to accept me for my 4th dose of vaccine because of the new memo. The moment I arrived, since the nurse is familiar with me in emergency department, I was told right away they are not accepting any patient for follow up for vaccine, no greetings, not even hi first. Well considering the day, its Friday, SEHA are closed. Where I am suppose to go. They just said you can skip that dose. It was frustrating as I know AAH is one of the best Hospital in Al Ain. I am a Nurse too, I will not treat patients that way.
27 May 2023 2:50
The worst registration process in this hospital. Everything is all over the place. We book appointments at a certain time and we recieve several messages with different timings each message. Today i had an appointment at 1 pm and no one was at the registration, we had to wait for them to start their shift. I don't understand why they give patients appointment at timings that no staff is available. With no consideration for our time as well. The worst is, nothing is being done about it. This has been going on for long time.
28 April 2023 6:44
Super job I'm before work in Al ain Hospital so happy I'm experience yes good
Work: electrical
21 March 2023 0:12
Very best hospital very very careful staff and alot of respect.
Thanks to All staff of Al ain hospital and SEHA and the govt and specially thanks the heart of UAE Royal family. (UAE rulers) to provide equals facility to everyone
Very very best management.
06 January 2023 21:12
Al ain hospital is the best hospital
They listen, care, understand your problem and more importantly very kind to you thnak you for today
It's zunair yasin
Thanks everyone ️
21 March 2022 11:40
After calling the ambulance for my dad and spending almost an hour explaining his situation supposed they wrote the report already to hand it in to the ER. I was asked to repeat my dad's case twice from 2 different nurses. Finally after being in the room for about 2 hours one has claimed that he's the doctor came asking me what's the case. How funny is that! When I asked him about the ambulance report he claimed he did not receive. When I asked how come the nurses didn't notify you, he stated that they did. What was more funny that the nurses told him some symptoms I never mentioned!

Dad felt vomiting and mom requested a bucket and asked dad to hold it, I know it's funny. Dad did try to hold it for about 2 min. It took them more than that to just bring the bucket! It's a hospital! How come a minor thing like that is not accessible?

I didn't like the service and I don't trust the team. Will make sure not to be here again even if it's an emergency.
28 January 2022 1:53
احدى اسوء المستشفيات في العين وفي صحه للاسف كل شي عندهم تعبان من موظفين ودكاتره وممرضين والخدمه حدث ولا حرج للاسف اقدر اقول أسوأ مستشفى مررر علي في حياتي صدق الأجهزة والطاقم كل شي عندهم تعبان بعد ثلاث سنين من التعامل مع الوباء ما توقعت اني بحصل هالخدمه التعبانه تستاهلون صفر اتمنى تتعلمون شوي اطورون من طاقمكم
18 October 2021 14:07
اتمنى بعد افتتاح المبنى الجديد ان ترتقي الخدمات للافضل وان يتم تلافي السلبيات التي كان المستسفى يعاني منها.
29 October 2020 13:40
مستشفى العين من اقدم المستشفيات في مدينة العين
والتطوير الأخير والبناء الجديد فخم جدا جداً يواكب اعلى المعايير الصحية للمنشآت الصحية
والدولة ما قامت بهذا الجهد الجبار لولا اهتمامها بصحة المواطنين والمقيمين على ارض الوطن
فجزا الله شيوخنا الكرام على ما يقومون به وما يبذلونه
مستشفيات من ارقى المستشفيات واجهزة من احدث الأجهزة وآخر ما توصلت له الشركات المنتجة
و إن شاء الله يبقى العنصر الأهم من ذلك كله
وهو توفير الأطباء الاكفاء و إن شاء الله سيتوفرون بإذن الله
25 February 2020 0:23
مشروع مستشفى العين الجديد الذي بدأت أعماله في مارس 2014 - يتمتع بمواصفات صحية ومعمارية جمالية فريدة، توفر خدمات علاجية متميزة للسكان، وتحقق نقلة نوعية في هذا القطاع الحيوي، وتجعل من هذا الصرح الطبي الجديد واحة للنقاهة والاستشفاء، إذ تم تصميمه وفق معايير الاستدامة التي تراعي خفض استهلاك الطاقة والمياه، والاستفادة القصوى من أشعة الشمس، وفي الوقت نفسه تم التصميم وفق أحدث المعايير الطبية العالمية، التي تؤمن البيئة المناسبة لاستشفاء المرضى وراحتهم، مع الأخذ في الحسبان خصوصية وتقاليد دولة الإمارات، إلى جانب تلبية الاحتياجات المستقبلية من توسعات توفر للمريض عناية صحية بمستوى عال.
07 September 2017 9:34
ذهبت للطواري ضيق تنفس وتم عمل اللازم والحمدلله خرجت وافاجا بمطالبتهم بمبلغ ضخم وانا سعودية وامي مواطنه وكنت في ضيافتها ابلغتهم ان مواطني المجلس يعالجون مجانا حسب اتفاقية المجلس لكن استمرو بالمطالبة وارسال تحذيرات بالرفع للقانونية ؟؟انا مستاه لهذا الوضع
07 August 2017 15:48
Al Ain Hospital is one of the most modern hospitals in Al Ain. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.
The hospital has different sections of treatment and surgery with the latest international experiences.
12 June 2017 5:41
مستشفى ممتاز حيث الطاقم الطبي عالي المستوى عدم تأخير المرضى مجهود يشكرون عليه ونتطلع للمزيد بعد فتح المبنى الجديد
02 June 2017 2:31
Al Ain Hospital consists of more than 35 specialist departments with a total of more than 300 doctors. Our Hospital is a 402-bed acute care and emergency hospital, serving Al Ain community and its region.  With more than 20,000 inpatients, and 320,000 patients in our outpatient clinics on an annual basis, we are a key regional healthcare provider for multidisciplinary ambulatory diagnostics and treatment.

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