19 January 2024 9:45
الطوارئ جدا سيئ، اتوقع العيادات اسرع منهم بكثير، عدم نظام وتأخير وبعد ساعه من التسجيل نادو علي لتقييم حالتي، وكل حد يقول ما يخصني ومو عندي الموضوع
08 January 2024 19:58
Grateful for this hospital, my sister was new here holding a tourist bisa and no medical insurance, she was operated by appendix removal, admut for 3 nights and 2 days, treated very nice by dirrerent Doctors and Nurses, and i was shocked that everything was free, thanks be to God. Thanks for this Hospital,
05 January 2024 7:45
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مشكلة نواجهها كل نهاية عام وبداية العام وهي تجديد الاعفاء مما يفاقم حالة المريض لعدم حصوله على الدواء في ميعاده ويأخد تجديد الاعفاء اكثر من اسبوعين واسلوب التعامل مع المرضى عند الاستفسار الموظفين في القسم الاعفاء لا يرتقي الى المسؤلية والشفافية والاحترام وكأنهم يتعاملون مع مريض ليس بمريض نفسي والذي اعلمه ان تجديد الاعفاء هو من اختصاص القسم وعليهم متابعة تجديد الاعفاء وليس على المرض النفسي الذي يمر بحالة نفسية لا نتمناها لاحد ارجو كل الرجاء من المدير الى والقائمين على هذا الصرح الشامخ لابد ان يجدوا حل لهذي لمشكلة التي يعاني منها ثمانية الف مريض نفسي سنوياً ولا ننسى كل الشكر والتقدير لجميع موظفي جناح العلوم السلوكية إلا قسم الاعفاء الذي لا يتعامل بكل شفافية واحترام مع المرضى عند الاستفسار عن الاعفاء
25 October 2023 15:12
I went hospital's emergency units as due to the severe pain in my Ankle. I had an ankle surgery back home 3 months ago and they refused to take me and let me go back with the severe pain as I was hardly able to walk, looks like they Damm care about humanity. Please avoid going to them as they only accept people who are near to die "that's what the staff said at the reception"
20 October 2023 18:54
One of the best hospitals in Abu Dhabi, Excellent team

May Allah bless them all for the service that they are doing. God bless you all
15 May 2023 9:40
Bad experience in the emergency department
Imagine I comes for emergency and I wait for 2 and half hours
Lot of patients left without taking checking and the receptionists don’t care at all
09 May 2023 5:08
Dr Jamal is the worst! Rude! Wrong diagnosis and Wrong treatment! Finally Dr Maysa at mediclinic helped me!
07 May 2023 10:01
It's unfortunate that it took us 2 hours to get registered from the emergency dept because someone forgot to register me the moment the ambulance arrived there. The ambulance nurse even handed my Emirates ID to the reception only to realize 2 hours later that they haven't registered me considering my injury, regardless of whether it was small or not. The wait was so long that I think God was already healing my wound. We stayed there for about 6 hours which is honestly a half workday. My family and I were patient but I feel it was taken advantage of. I don't usually give low stars but based on my experience, some of the staff needs a lot of training, from the doctor to the people from their pharmacy not just skill or knowledge-wise, but as well as their caring side. I'm sorry to say that honestly, I need a second opinion from another hospital that actually cares about human well-being and life.
30 April 2023 13:57
I Just want to Thanks SKMC for the doctor and nurses, the Neurology department especially to Dr. ANWAR, Neurosurgeon. He was a very helpful and passionate to his patient. My brother Michael is one of his patient. Although he passed away due to terminal illness, Dr. Anwar did all he can to extend my brothers life and for that i will express my heartfelt gratitude for him. He was not just a doctor, he was like a father, a friend, you will really feel his concern. I hope Dr. Anwar reads this, know that you touch people’s live and family of patients appreciate you. ️️️️️️ ~Veronica
26 April 2023 4:13
لو اقدر ما اقيم المستشفى نجمه احسن قسم عياده قلب الاطفال ممتازين اللهم لك الحمد ولدي اليوم كان عنده موعد وحولنا دكتور القلب ل عياده الانف والاذن والحنجره بس عشان يجيكون ع بلاعيمه والدكتوره سها. سهى رفضت تشوفه ويكلمونها اتشوفه قالت احجزو موعد واقرب موعد بعد ثلاث اسابيع وصارلي فوق الساعه ونص ننتظر مجرد بتجيك ع بلاعيمه اذا مضرر من العمليه ولالا ومافي حد فالكاونتر الا وحده وزحمه الله يعين
16 March 2023 13:31
لا انصح احد ان يذهب الى هاذا المستشفى للعلاج لانه ليس لديهم طاقم طبي مؤهل لعلاج المرضى و تشخيص المرضى بالشكل الصحيح وانه ليس لديهم لباقه بالتعامل مع المريض و اهل المريض بحيث انهم يلقون الكلام بلا مبالاة بحيث يجعلون اهل المريض يفقد الامل من الحياة وعلاجه التام ، و انه الضابط الاداري (امنه) ليس لها اسلوب راقي في الحديث حيث انها قالت تريد ان تلقي المريض خارج المستشفى عن طريق السكيورتي بحيث انه المريض لم يتلقى العلاج اللازم وانهم لا يراعون مشاعر اهل المريض وحتى المريض نفسه ، آمل من دائرة الصحة و حكومة ابوظبي الاطلاع على اجرائات المستشفى والادارة بشكل اخص.
12 March 2023 5:07
تجربة سيئة جداً ولا يوجد اهتمام للمريض ولا لاهل المريض المهم عندهم خروج المريض من المستشفى و معاملة سيئة جداً
25 February 2023 2:34
24 February 2023 3:13
I thank the management of Khalifa Hospital, doctors and staff for all the attention they have given me. There was never any default or anything because I entered an emergency situation. And this level of all this medical complex competes with the most important hospitals in the world. Distinguish among the peoples of the whole world. May God protect Sheikh Abu Khaled, the Sheikh of humanity, peace and tolerance. And may God protect all the rulers of the Emirates. Your sister from Lebanon // Ghada Sharaf El-Din, ambassador for peace and human rights, and an activist in public, social, humanitarian and human rights affairs. (I am currently still in the hospital.) 122022/26
03 February 2023 12:23
الخدمة جيدة وطاقم التمريض رائع لكن الدكاترة خصوصا الدكتور احمد قاسم والدكتور طه احمد تعاملهم سيء حيث الدكتور احمد قاسم يتحدث الى المريض بشكل غير لائق ويظل يردد نفس السؤال على المريض "مالذي اتى بك الى الطوارىء؟" وكأنه متضايق من مجيء المريض الى الطوارىء. والدكتور طه احمد يرفع صوته بشكل عال عند التحدث مع المريض ويعيد نفس الاسئلة بصوت عال جدا التي تم الجواب عنها بشكل. لا انصح بالذهاب الى هذا المستشفى بسبب سوء طباع الدكاترة. اما الطاقم الاداري والتمريض فهم محترفون ومهذبون.
10 January 2023 0:18
Thank You so much for the great services specially Radiology Department. Its my pleasure to meet Dr Nadeem.
01 January 2023 8:53
ماشاء الله صراحه تم تعديل كل اللوح ووضع معلومات ارشاديه ممتازه! ايضا مستشفى خليفه تهتم بالشكاوي وتحاول المستحيل لتصحيحها او حلها بكل سلاسه وبسرعه انا احيي ادارة المستشفى واقول لهم شكرا
20 December 2022 0:41
I was admitted to the hospital having a severe gastroenteritis that lead to sepsis. I came to the ER in the morning, was transferred to ward and ended up in the ICU the same evening. I'm very grateful to the doctors and nurses that took so good care of me! Especially the nurses in ICU were extremely kind and made my stay there much easier. The environment of the hospital is fantastic and the patient feels secure from the first moment.
08 December 2022 20:41
For everyone for my personal experience don’t believe the below comments about hospital. They have excellent service in pediatric section. I bring my two days baby for heart problem. The way they take care it’s amazing. All the nurses are doctor taking care of the baby it’s like our own baby. Always around three four nurses and doctors. And they respect the parents. Maybe because of rude behavior of the parents they got bad experience. So please if you need good treatment for your kids go SEHA they have well experienced and talented doctors and also they have very modern equipment and machines for treatment. I recommend this hospital for 100% for your kids.
08 December 2022 13:16
The worst pharmacy in the world, two hours to get the medicine also the staff are not cooperative.
01 December 2022 16:11
One of the pioneer medical facilities in Abu Dhabi provides all kind of medical care even the severe ones like cancer treatment
17 November 2022 4:48
Idk one lady doctor seems to be very rude at reception. She even not listen my case properly. Huge disappointment
06 November 2022 2:42
I had bad experience with registration area, after I wait one hour with baby with age (six months, only) was burned and had fever in emergency and they allow one guy to other to go direct without wait and still my baby wait his turn other guy also allow to other patient to pass the clinic and when I talk they said that Iis emergency more they lie and I already I saw the kid moving by their legs
It is funny to hear that emergency more than baby six months age with burning and fever from Pro, you can yes he is pro not a doctor can diagnose the pt from reception area, but and when I ask to complain him all staffs cover him and they said he is the one responsible here no one other, but I can not believe that he that happening SKMC
01 October 2022 2:23
Very bad service, I have special case and took so much time for normal check up! Very poor service!
30 June 2022 11:20
تميز هذا الصرح الطبي بجودة الخدمات العلاجية و كفاءة العالية للطاقم الطبي.
شكرا لهم على كل ما يقدمونه لنا من رعاية و اهتمام
06 May 2022 12:14
It was a very frustrating experience from a known government hospital here in Abu dhabi. We admitted our patient in ED that was tested COVID positive because of difficulty of breathing, vomiting and diarrhea. It was our first time so we expected too much and the first impression was very bad. Starting in the triage were the transporter even hesitated to push the dizzy patient through wheelchair. The staff did not really care about the patient safety from raising side rails of the bed or assisting patient on her way to the bathroom. The moment we entered the room, different staff and technicians just going in and out taking blood (which they've tried getting a lot of times), doing ECG and Xray and swab without assessment and without being seen by the doctor. As a healthcare professional, we do have an idea how a patient should be assisted in an urgent care but SKMC is way far from being an institution that promotes safety and welfare of a patient. A simple question of asking allergies was not even done.
05 May 2022 4:35
Pediatric emergency is not good as the doctors mostly sitting and chit chatting and if you call them to check the patient they say the nurse will take care. The doctor neglected my daughter health due to which my daughter was shifted to critical area for the treatment, I would like to request the management to take action against these type of doctors who doesn't not have heart even for kids and not performing their duty in emergency department, where the doctors should be alert all the time. You can chit chat later some one life is more important then you chatting.
03 May 2022 9:20
مستشفى كبير جدا وهو مدينة طبيه متكامله في العاصمة الاماراتيه ابوظبي والاسم السابق مستشفى الجزيرة
22 March 2022 0:43
فوق الممتاز رعايه طبيه متكامله وطاقم طبي في قمت الاخلاق والروعه والاحترام
الشكر الجزيل لحكومة ابوظبي على هذه الخدمات الرائعه والرعايه الطبيه الممتازه
والشكر الجزيل لشيوخ الامارات وعلا راسهم الشيخ خليفه والشيخ ابو خالد محمد بن زايد لما يقدمونه لهذه البلد من حب واحترام ورعايه للشعب ادام الله عليهم الصحه والعافيه وحفظ الله الامارت حكومة وشعب
08 January 2022 3:47
One of the best hospitals in Abu Dhabi. Excellent team. I take a bow every time I pass by to show my gratitude and respect.
30 December 2021 19:11
دكتوره ندى عياده رقم14 سوء تعامل وسوء خدمه
الاخت الي توزع الارقام تحت دانه حرام حتى تشتغل في مقصف. اذا هي توزع الارقام وتقول ما بنصرف لك الدوى عيل ليش ما تمتب الوصفه بدال الدكتور مع العلم هي مب صيدلانيه بس توزع ارقام والمشكله ان مافي متابعه من اي مسول ولا اهتمام للاسف.
26 December 2021 1:05
Years back in 1990’s Sheikh Khalifa Medical City was two separate hospitals, Central Hospital and Al Jazeera Hospital, those were the speciality Government hospitals in Abu Dhabi. Now this is a super speciality hospital complex with high standards and best medical facilities providing world class treatments.
12 December 2021 2:53
Here in Sheikh khalifa Medical City Very best service and good staff, they deal best in emergency cases,
Specially in treatment they don’t wait for approval from insurance companies, poor or rich they keep equality in treatment comparing to other hospital,
In the end even you visitor or resident in uae they will treat for you without approval of insurance or money, one of my Freind had emergency he was not able to pay but he got very good treatment here

Thanks SKMC team!
10 December 2021 22:04
I was admitted in ICU for a critical medical condition. The best doctors and very qualified nursing team. I can't even express the kind of medical care i received. Alhamdolillah, i was lucky to be admitted there.now im currently in regular ward and im being looked after by medical team who is caring about me from head to toe. I even get regular visits from ICU nurses to make sure I'm fine and stable. Can u blv that? Also a local staff from patients affairs visited me to check if I'm ok? SKMC is the best health organization I've ever seen. God Bless u
10 November 2021 23:43
بصراحة مدينة طبية متكاملة بطواقم طبية متمرنة بتوجيهات قيادة حكيمة. نتمنى دائما الازدهار لبلدنا الإمارات
28 September 2021 22:59
حزين على هذا التقييم لان هذا أفضل مستشفى في الامارات كان بمجرد ان توصل الى الطوارئ. وانت من الاشخاص ذو حالة خاصة سواء كنت زارع عضو او غيره مباشرة لا تقعد في الانتظار الآن الوضع سيئ قبل كارونا و بعد كارونا مفروض يكون وضع من زارعين أعضاء خاص ولا يسمح لهم في الانتظار لي الا يأخذ أي عدوى و تصبح الامور اسوء اتمنى من الادارة النظر لي هذا الموضوع بجدية و شكرا.
20 August 2021 14:27

1. No drive through access for Pediatric Emergency.
2. Acute shortage of nursing Staff.
3. Poorly executed registration Process.

Worst Experience. Was into pediatric emergency by 10.00pm. My brother was suffering from a leg injury. We had to lift him from the parking lot to the wheelchair near the entrance since there was no access for vehicles. There was no one in the registration desk, and took about 7 min to complete the registration. We asked the nurse to attend the case, but we were asked to wait, since there were more than 5 patient registered prior to ours. There was Only 2 staff nurses available, of which only one could attend the patients. We waited for more than 1.5 HOURS after which they transferred the patient to the Adult emergency, which could've been easily done the moment we arrived. It took another 1.5 HOURS here for x-ray, consulting and dressing the wound. We were out by 1.00 AM.
Really Hard to believe that this is a Govt.run hospital. Proper management and availability of more nurses could have resolved a case like this in a maximum of 30 mins.
This is just the case of one patient, there were many other cases on the same day who suffered from these delays including head injury, a baby having breathing problem and many other.

This hospital is not for pediatric Emergency as per my Experience. Hope it improves.
18 August 2021 15:03
Bad doctors and careless nurses, they are there for the salary, no humanity in how they treat us as patients, also when i was there when ever I ask the doctor medical question, he feels bad like its not my business and I have to take the treatment without knowing what it is? He was trying to figure which treatment to use every other day changing the treatment, I had to leave and go to another hospital in which doctors treat us with humanity and knows how to treat patients. Im sure the good reviews written by their own staff
30 July 2021 21:06
If you have a death wish, go to this hospital. My experience was beyond horrible. Nurses, doctors, administration, everyone is so incompetent!
26 July 2021 3:39
So unprofessional and racist staff to handle covid positive patients
Call center asking you to visit the hospital if your positive and having symptoms but ones you arrive they are not letting you in and I saw a Staff they assist there nationality people in deferent way.
I just came here Bcs of they ask me to come if not never
Hope the management will investigate this kind of matters and find solutions
So unprofessional and don’t want to recommend this place.
23 July 2021 0:18
Badly waiting 24hrs you feel more worst get more sick because surrounded by having fever, cough.after giving medicine they keep you waiting for nothing!
02 June 2021 1:19
خدمة سيئة لا ترحيب لا ابتسامة عدم وجود مصداقية من الموظفين ،،،،
دعاية وهمية بخدمة كبار المواطنين
لا مبالاه لاحترام الاشخاص الكبار بسن بحكم جائحة كورونا
عدم توصيل المعلومة للجهات الاخرى والاكتفاء بارسال ضباط مناوبين لتهدائة الموضوع ،،
عدم تلبية احتياجات المريض بحجة انك مؤذي وفي الواقع انت صاحب حق ،،،
بكل مصداقية اين المدراء ف مستشفى خليفة ،،، علما بأن كل الموظفين مدارء!
مؤسف اكتب هذا بس هو الواقع ،،،،!
01 June 2021 9:26
أسوء مستشفى في أبوظبي من حيث التنظيم بين الاطباء وأسوء استجابة من الممرضات. مستشفى سيء جدااااااااا
03 May 2021 23:32
I came to emergency because of severe pain in my lower back.when the receptionist asked me what's wrong and when I was explaining I told her I thought I made a wrong move but the pain was getting stronger during the day and now it's unbearable.all what she wrote is back pain because of wrong move at the gym
The dr/nurse came and informed me that we only take emergency cases and for us your case is stable without even asking me what's wrong.or how i feel.its 4am and im outside the hospital without being attended
Im came to the nearest hospital and that's how im treated.
14 April 2021 10:18
Very bad un friendly nurses and un professional doctors, never explain whats the problem ir what treatment is and when we ask they say its our work. They treat patient as an object, no empathy at all, even when complained to maneger of d1, he ignored, thank God we left to another hosp. Where we got treated nicely.
24 March 2021 21:16
اشكر جزيل الشكر الممرضه مروه قسم الاطفال بي2 على اهتمامها وانسانيتها ورعايتها لرضيعتي مهرة طول فترة تنويمها فالمستشفى.
02 March 2021 11:30
WORST doctors and Worst nurses, no body care, they just come to finish the working hours and go home, I mean I've been to other hospitals and found good and bad, but in SKMC they are horrible, as if you are in souq, not hospital, this was good hospital with the old international doctors, but now all the doctors and nurse and their admin are not international and all the crew changed to a careless team. Funny thing is that the good reveiw in here are from their staff, they think they can fool us.
14 January 2021 12:33
I had surgery to repair my fractured finger on 06/10/2020. My heartfelt thanks to all the staff in unit B1 starting with the nurses assigned to me right through to the OR #5 staff up to the Surgeon. It was only a day surgery. They made me feel very comfortable and well-cared for. Their professionalism and empathy helped me through that day. Rarely did I meet such an organized team, soft-spoken and full of smiles. My God bless each one of them. Million thanks.
21 December 2020 23:29
Very bad experience from emergency department.they asked to pay 1000aed after that nobody is taking care.while shouting only they are doing something.we waited more than 3 hrs.that nurse in the department she is a useless person no help from her side.the doctor also taken too much time.this type of attitude to the patients is not good.
13 December 2020 4:35
Very bad experience from emergency department. Doctor nd nurse having to much attitude, i don't know why this management are keeping such kind of careless health care staff in a of big hospital.
06 December 2020 5:18
Extremely bad experience. I was charged 1000 aed for Pcr test! Not professional. Rececionist saying there is no doctors in the hospital.
26 November 2020 11:15
SKMC is really a good medical center in AD. Me and my family have done successful surgeries, attended many appointments and consultations and even were brought up to the ER. We trust the medical services SKMC are providing. The staff we have dealt with were very cooperative and professional. However, their building is getting old and I think they need to remodel or renovate. I don’t like that their toilets are so very small. And patients when getting out of the operations they have to pass by everyone “no privacy” there is no special channel for them!
24 November 2020 1:20
مطلوب تحسين الخدمه وجودة العلاج وفوق هذا الموظفين مطلوب تحفيزهم حتى لا يعاملون المرضى بأسلوب غير محترم كي لا تتأثر سمعة المستشفى
25 October 2020 19:11
Worst experience ever, never seen careless Doctors or carelss nurses like the nurses and doctors in skmc.psychological part is never important to them and the medical part is so bad.
18 July 2020 0:50
للأسف الموظفين بالاستقبال بالعيادات الخارجية يعاملون المرضى من ورا خاطرهم والممرضين كل واحد يعطي الاولوية للي نفس جنسيته
13 July 2020 22:52
I have never seen careless and with attitude doctors and nurses as The staff in this hospital and the biggest problem is when you complain, they dont care and no action has been taken, I left the hospital sick as i was worried for my life and went to Noor hospital where staff treats me as human and cared enough to make me well again in few days, and that was the opposite of what i saw from doctors and nurses in D1 and D2
17 May 2020 22:12
I have never been treated by people this bad in my entire life.as I was treated in this hospital by their stuff. I don’t know about the treatment though. I didn’t even get treated for my sickness there.they just showed me the way out and suggested a private hospital instead. I wish there was a -5 star button so that I could click on that while reviewing this.
06 May 2020 9:36
أصابتني أزمة ربو مفاجئة دخلت المستشفى مع أنني زائرة أسعفوني وهتمو فيني جزاهم الله كل خير وحتى الدواء عطوني ببلاش.
شكرا للشيخ خليفة ولدولة الإمارات على هاد الإعتناء والإهتمام والجانب الإنساني اللي أثبت وجودو و بقوة حفظكم الله ورعاكم.
29 April 2020 1:44
شكراا لكل الطاقم الطبي شكراا للكفاءة العالية و المستوى الراقي انتم من زرعتم البسمة على قلوبنا و رسمتم البهجة في اكبادنا شكرا للدكتور ناصر دكتور عبدالله دكتورة فريدة دكتورة ريما كل الطاقم الطبي و خاصة خاصة الممرضات الاتي لا يعرفون طعم النوم و لا يكحل جفونهم أبدا هذا كله في سبيل سلامة الأطفال نحن مرافقين ننام و هم لا ينامون رحم الله الدكتور فواز و اسكنه فسيح جناته
شكرا سيدي صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد حفظك الله و رعاك و ابعد عنك كل مكروه أقول لك شكرا لانك زرعت في شعبك قيمة كبرى قيمة هي عنوان الشعوب قيمة تعلم في المدارس و المستشفيات و كل المؤسسات الحكومية و الخاصة قيمة نراها أغلى من كل القيم قيمة اسمها الأخلاق تعلم في مدرسة اسمها الامارات العربية المتحدة تعلم لشعوبها ليكونون سفراء و نتعلمها نحن الوافدين لننشرها في بلداننا تعلمناها من ارضكم الطيبة تعلمناها و هي تعد من أغلى القيم تعلمنا الرحمة و الحب و العطاء بدون مقابل تعلم عدم التمييز تعلمنا حب الذات البشرية تعلمنا كيف تكون الانسانية تعلمنا ان المادة لا قيمة لها عندما يكون الأمر مرتبط بمصير انسان نعم و اقولها و اقسم على ذلك ان القدر جميل جعلني اكون تحت جناح الام الأميرة الامارات الام التي عالجت بنتي بدون مقابل نعم هي الام التي تعطي و لا تنتظر مقابل
شكرا سيدي صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد على كل كلمات الحب الي نتعلمها منكم و عطاءك الجميل انت تنادينا عيالي نعم كلمة يقولها الأب لأبناءه و ربما الأقدار فقدتنا آباءنا و نحن نلتمسها فيك بصوتك و مناداتك لنا بابنائي نحن نحس بالأمان اكثر في وجودك ادامكم الله و حفظكم و حفظ اماراتنا إمارات الخير
رحم الله الأب المؤسس الشيخ زايد رحمه الله رحمه زكية و اسكنه الله الجنة بين الأنبياء و الصالحين
28 April 2020 15:30
DescriptionSheikh Khalifa Medical City, serves as the flagship institution for Abu Dhabi Health Services Company. The Shaikh Khalifa Medical City is a modern, acute care institution that opened in 2000.
18 April 2020 12:27
تجربتي معهم طيبة ولله الحمد والشكر، احترام وتعامل راقي لكبار السن، يستأهلون التوفيق والنجاح. وخاصة قسم الأورام لكم الف تحية.
25 March 2020 14:45
من اسوء التجارب اللي مريت فيها بحياتي بمستشفي هي مستشفي خليفه كل شيء و كل مكان فيها كان مهين امي للحين متبهدله احنا بكابوس بهاد المستشفي مافيش اسوء
22 March 2020 9:08
Sooooooo disappointed by the nurses and the drs in D1 and the manager there do nothing when you complain about the nurses who dont answer the bill or the doctors who show once or twice a week, what kind of care is this, never seen such a careless team from doctors, nurses and the ward manager, even his assistance salwa, did nothing to help us as patient and family and since my health didnt improve I went to another hospital as feeling comfortable is part of the treatment and that is something I didnt find in this ward, maybe someone cares read this and do something about such nurses and doctors and unit manager
14 March 2020 22:03
I requested for medical examination to physical injury caused by assault to submitted to police. Based on their hospital policy, this case is not covered by the insurance. The required me to deposit AED 1,000 and whatever the coverage of the examination they will return the remaining amount. After my traumatic experience with this type of policy they told me that I cannot take the change for the 1,000 and only after one week (this procedure was not explained to me from the beginning). They informed me that they will call me and unfortunately it has been 2 weeks and I haven't receive a call or message. What I received is only the survey link. I called couple of times but nobody is answering the phone in the cashier. I hope there will be justice on this case
10 March 2020 11:37
Worse experience ever, Dr Bakry and Dr Thana had bad expericene with them, dont like to ivolve the family with the treatment of the patients, and when asked to change the doctor as im not comfortable with their attitude nor their treatment, they refused and said its NOT MY RIGHT! Add to this nurses in D1 are careless and no sympathy at all while caring for the patients, i made complains but no one listen including the manager of that unit
29 February 2020 12:09
Very good management.the doctors r really vry kind to the patients.especially the nurses.their really working with humanity.
25 February 2020 9:31
مستشفى تعيسة وقديمة وللحين يفرقون بين المرضى ومدخلة البيانات تصارخ جنها في حراج وعلى حسب مزاجها تدخلك بسرعه او لا مو على كيفك في العيادة التخصصية رقم 12 وصح اذا كنت زعلان بتزعل زياده فحاول اتي وانت فرحان عشان تزعل شوي مو زياده
13 February 2020 5:19
تأخير غير طبيعي للدخول الى الموعد لما يقارب الساعتين وهذا الشئ يتكرر كل اسبوع للموعد مع العلم ان الموعد لأخذ إبره فقط مدرجه على السيستم وعليها موافقه من التأمين لما يقارب الشهرين
28 January 2020 6:54
Bad experience in the emergency. Long waiting hours and finally they told us we needed to be transferred to another hospital, Which took another 4 hours waiting.
04 January 2020 14:13
Very low medical and nursing services, patients are left in pain for hours and no one attending, misdiagnosed my illness, in D0 and D1, why a hospital keep careless staff, I don't know
but what I know is I will never go there.
03 June 2019 14:48
مستشفى ممتاز. تابع لمستشفيات شركة صحه التابعة لحكومة ابو ظبي. يحتوي على كل التخصصات الجراحية واطباء متخصصين من كافة أنحاء العالم. يعتبر من أكثر المستشفيات ازدحاما في ابو ظبي. كان يسمى في السابق الجزيرة ولكن بعد التوسعة والتجديد أصبح مدينة الشيخ خليفة الطبية. مواعيد الزيارة من الساعه الثامنة صباحا وحتى التاسعة مساء. يتوفر مواقف للزوار داخل حرم المستشفى ومجانية.
16 March 2019 5:29
Can you please stop the Intercom within the Emergency Rooms? The technology advanced very well, so you can get a better solution very swiftly and easily instead of disturbing your patients with that noisy Intercom system. Other than that, this place is great for treatment and rehabilitation.

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