13 November 2022 10:22
Very beautiful park in this area and mostly the beautiful weather and green trees all over the park. Great park for walking.
10 September 2022 22:06
A good and quiet family parks which clean and rubber-ground play area for kids. It's also close to a beautiful mosque. There is also a fast food cafeteria at the main gate hence you can buy food and have it in the park.
17 June 2022 7:07
One of the best & most beautiful public parks in Dubai. The park is spacious, quite, usually non crowded even in weekends & very well maintained. It contains kids playing area, sun shaded seating areas, male & female washrooms & variety of beautiful flower & green landscapes. There is sports playgrounds for football & basketball in the park. Also there is a cafeteria where you can buy snacks, meals & drinks. Aswaaq shopping mall & huge mosque is just few steps from the park. There is free car parking in the sandy areas around the parks gates. You can also find Dubai recycling station beside the park gate near the mosque.
02 June 2021 20:54
The only park in Nad Al Sheba 4 and its really nice to be there with its greenery and it's a great place to play football or basketball or even to have a walk around. It just makes you feel like in your own world.
05 May 2021 5:23
حديقة جميلة بمساحاتها الخضراء وورودها المزروعة بطريقة مرتبة وإبداعية.

بالقرب منها مسجد قل أن تجد مثيل له.

مساحة الحديقة ليست كبيرة وضخمة ، كما يوجد أماكن مريحة للجلوس ومظللة.

يوجد حول الحديقة ممشى للرياضة ، مسافة 850 متر تقريبا ، كما يوجد على الممشى منطقة مخصصة للآلات الرياضية.

يوجد كذلك داخل الحديقة ملعبين كرة قدم وملعب كرة سلة.

يوجد منطقتي ألعاب للأطفال ، أرضية اللعب اسفنجية رائعة ، مريحة للأطفال أثناء اللعب.

أنصح بزيارتها.


A beautiful garden with its greenery and roses planted in an orderly and creative way.

Near it, a mosque, say you can find a similar one.

The garden area is not large and huge, as there are comfortable and shaded seating areas.

Around the park there is a walkway for sports, a distance of approximately 850 meters, and on the walkway there is an area designated for sports machines.

Within the park there are also two football fields and a basketball court.

There are two play areas for children, the playground is a wonderful sponge, comfortable for children to play.

I recommend to visit it
25 April 2021 18:21
حَديقةٌ عائليةٌ هادئةٌ، تحتوي على خِدماتٍ مُتكاملةٍ، ومقاعدَ خشبيةٍ مُظلَّلةٍ، للراغبينَ في الاستمتاعِ بجمال بساطِها العشبيِّ الأخضرِ، وألعابِ الأطفالِ، ومَمْشاها الليِّنِ، وخدماتِها الأُخرى.
04 March 2021 4:33
It's a very beautiful and peaceful place for family.
Play area, Running track, Football ground etc.
08 January 2021 23:25
I didn't like that fact alot of people are smoking in the park and my kids got sick cause there asthmatic

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