28 July 2022 13:12
محل لأدوات الخياطه لديه جميع اشياء الخياطة بكميات كبيرة جدا ولا يبيع الا با الكميه وفي بعض الاشياء الي يبعها با الحبه كل ماتحتاجه موجود مو خيوط وأدوات خياطه
27 November 2021 12:22
The sale ther is whole sale, it is too difficult to find a parking and they don't know any thing about customer service
23 July 2020 1:05
Weve been living in dubai almost 7 years now. This is the best place in town for a large and affordable selection in everything wool and knitwear.

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