03 March 2024 0:29
Accurate predictions and expert advice! The astrologer’s insights into my past, present, and future were incredibly accurate. The numerology analysis provided valuable insights into my personality traits. The vastu consultation helped me make positive changes in my home. Overall, a fantastic experience with Komel Valiea !
27 May 2023 3:46
I had a consultation with her last month and diligently followed all of her prescribed remedies, resulting in remarkable outcomes. She recommended only easy and practical remedies.highly recommend her.
24 January 2023 12:51
Really happy that the consultation worked out absolutely fantastic! Strongly recommend that one should try. I could see and feel that the work was carried out with do much dedication and passion that I fell so happy and glad that the decision to go ahead and take consultation proved right.
23 August 2022 18:10
Madam komal gave me horoscope which through out my reading exactly match what my personality is, what problem i have faced and remedy for current problem and future problem. Moreover as i have strong believe in stones, so recommendation of the same. I highly recommend to consult her without any hesitation. Regards, Kashif
02 August 2022 21:14
Hello everyone, komal mam predictions are very accurate, she spoke few things about my past which I never spoke to anyone and m sure my future prediction will be accurate too. She is expert in numerology.
05 July 2022 21:51
Mrs Komal has a good experience with the astrology, I have a wonderful experience with her skills, I have asked many questions about my full family members and she had explained and had given the prediction which are totally correct up til now I am totally satisfied with her skills. May God Krishna bless with her skills. Thanking you Prakash Bhawnani
27 August 2021 16:01
Accurate predictions, easy remedy and one of the kindest person
Highly recommended

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