25 September 2023 16:26
We couldn't imagine a more relaxed emigration.
Everything worked quickly and easily.
We would like to thank the entire team at Dubai-emigrate.
23 September 2023 14:04
I received excellent advice regarding emigration and setting up a company in Dubai from Tony. Processing on site was extremely quick and smooth. I can only recommend it. Before that I had contact with other agencies, they all seemed a little dubious to me, so I'm really glad that I went with this agency. You also have good networking opportunities here. If you want to emigrate, come here.
07 September 2023 1:36
Emigrate to Dubai.
I can say that I am so happy to have come across Dubai emigration! It started with a consultation on the phone, during which I felt very comfortable. Nina was super nice and answered my questions and also told me a lot.
Then it was clear - these were the right ones for us!

When we were in Dubai for the first time to do a few things on site, everything went smoothly, from dealing with authorities, opening bank accounts, rewriting driving licenses. Marvic, an employee of the Dubai emigration team, accompanied us and was always a great help Support.
The contact with Nina and Anthony was and continues to be great and very friendly. The communication and reliability were 100% and at all times!

Emigrate to Dubai.a very clear recommendation!
Keep it up!
18 July 2023 16:45
Very Professional Company.

The Company helped us from the first day on until the end. All the problems we had they solved for us in a really fast time period.

The best about the company is that you meet personally with the Owners and they answer you all question in a easy and professional way. It gives you a feeling of security!

I just can reccomend the service you get. No doubt one of the best companies in Dubai!
17 July 2023 7:15
The team does a great job and is always available to answer any questions. I can only recommend to everyone. Top
19 June 2023 17:58
Ich bin vor einigen Wochen nach Dubai ausgewandert und habe den Service von Dubai-auswandern in Anspruch genommen. Ich bin überrascht wie schnell und unkompliziert die Behörden hier vor Ort arbeiten, davon kann man in Deutschland nur träumen. Nina & Tony haben mich extrem gut beraten und vorbereitet und meine Firma schnell und kostengünstig aufgesetzt! Ich bin froh euch an meiner Seite zu haben und empfehle euren Service gerne weiter.
22 May 2023 2:47
I emigrated to Dubai a few weeks ago and used the Dubai-emigrate service. I'm surprised at how quickly and easily the authorities here work; you can only dream of that in Germany. Nina & Tony gave me extremely good advice and preparation and set up my company quickly and cost-effectively! I am happy to have you by my side and would be happy to recommend your service.
24 February 2023 4:33
Was ein super Service 5*!
Habe mich von Anfang an perfekt gefühlt und es hat von A bis Z alles super gepasst! Danke für eure tolle Arbeit

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