24 August 2023 5:11

I would like to take this opportunity to provide a comprehensive review of my experience at the school, highlighting both positive aspects and areas that could benefit from attention. My intent is to contribute constructively towards enhancing the overall school environment and ensuring the best possible educational journey for all students.

Facilities and Maintenance:
While the school provides a conducive learning environment, there have been instances where maintenance could be improved. Specifically, the cleanliness of certain areas such as classrooms and toilets sometimes falls short of expectations. I have personally encountered situations where raw food was found on the floor, raising concerns about hygiene and cleanliness. I believe that consistent and thorough maintenance practices can significantly elevate the ambiance and overall comfort for students and staff. Additionally, I would appreciate a discussion regarding the alignment of tuition fees with the facilities and services provided, aiming for a balance that reflects the value of our education.

Equity and Treatment:
It is essential to address any perceived disparities in treatment between the boys and girls sections. While it's important to acknowledge the unique needs of each section, equal opportunities and experiences for all students should be a fundamental goal. Fostering an inclusive and equitable environment is not only just but also integral to building a cohesive school community. It has come to my attention that the girls section is consistently given more activities and receives greater recognition in the school's promotional efforts. Ensuring that boys and girls receive equal treatment and opportunities is crucial to creating a fair and supportive environment.

Food Services and Breaks:
On Fridays, the food service experience has raised some concerns. The timing of food delivery and distribution sometimes results in a shortage of options by the time it reaches certain sections. Furthermore, there have been instances where improperly handled food has caused food poisoning among students. By reevaluating the logistics and ensuring that food is available equally across all sections, and by prioritizing proper food handling procedures, we can create a more balanced and satisfying break experience that prioritizes our health and well-being.

Teaching and Curriculum:

The quality of teaching plays a pivotal role in our education. I believe that fostering effective communication between teachers and students is key to a successful learning experience. Some students have found it challenging to connect with certain teaching methodologies, and exploring diverse approaches could address this issue. Additionally, while the curriculum is comprehensive, considering periodic updates to introduce new concepts and perspectives could maintain student engagement and enthusiasm for learning.

I genuinely believe that by approaching these areas with a growth mindset and an open dialogue, the school can further enhance its offerings and provide an exceptional educational journey for its students. I appreciate the consideration of this feedback and the potential it holds for positive changes.

I will update this review next year.

Thank you for your time and attention.
14 August 2023 23:12
Edited: This review had 1 star but I upgraded it because I’ll start thinking about the bright side of this school
But can y’all please just do maintenance on this school, the classrooms and the toilets aren’t really clean, the school tuition fees is expensive compared to those fancy and less expensive schools, and can y’all just please start equalizing the treatment between boys and girls section, girls literally get more activities and they take all the credit when it comes to advertising this school, it’s considered sexist to give the girls better treatment than the boys.
30 January 2023 4:09
On Fridays we are not allowed to go outside so the bring a trolley full of food but they have to serve other sections before us and by then the food will finish so please add another trolley
23 July 2022 12:47
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «لا يَشْكُرُ اللَّهَ مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاسَ» (رواه أحمد وأبو داود
بارك الله جهود المدرسة ادارة ومعلمين ومعلمات فهم أساس التعليم الطيب المثمر لأبنائنا،وهم يؤدون دورهم في تعليم الجيل الجديد العلم والفكر والثقافة وقوة الشخصية والاعتمادرعلى النفس ، ولا ينكر دورهم إلا جاحد،
05 July 2022 8:38
The school is graves exams earlier then expected.and the school is having homework in the holy month of Ramadan and Muslims and fasting but they don’t care about there students well being and they don’t have a f out there self and there is no respect on anyone. Worst school ever.they do not teach well teachers are always mad.we have a lot of homework with limited amount of time.they never think of our wellbeing and they do a lot of campaigns about it lol, and on the last week of Ramadan they will tell you to memoize a poem in Arabic and a terminology test in science and we have a Eid Al-fitr
19 June 2022 15:15
Honestly, I feel like this school has made me more cooperative and organized, helped me study better.
17 May 2022 3:44
(English Review Below)
تجربتي كانت جدا سيئة في هذه المدرسة. المدرسات، في رأي، كان عندهم تحيز ضد المواطنين (المدرسة ما توظف مواطنين على فكرة) وكان من الطبيعي يسخرون على اللهجة الاماراتية للدرجة اني كنت أخجل اني أتكلم بالاماراتي امامهم. كانو يفتشون البنات من حيث المسؤولة كانت تفتش الحقائب وتمس البنات في منطقة الصدر. عندهم هوس بأسخف الأشياء مثل الموبايلات والتأخير ويهملون الصحة البدنية، والذهنية، والعاطفية للطفل. ما يهتمون اذا الطفل قاعد يعاني لأي سبب. وما في أمل للأطفال اللي فيهم بعض من الصعوبة في الفهم أو الحفظ. لازم تبلع المعلومة وتحفظ و تردد الكلام مثل الببغاء. المدرسات يحلون المشاكل بالصريخ والتهديد. ما في سبيل لتطور الذات، بس اقرأ واحفظ. التربية الإسلامية تتكون من "قصص" مزيفة وكذب عشان يزرعون الخوف في طفلك. علمونا أن التحرش هو من خطأ البنت خصوصا اذا كانت متبرجة أو غير محجبة أو لابسة عطر او صوتها حلو أو…أو…أو…. كرهت كل دقيقة قضيتها في هذه المدرسة. المهم هذا رأي وتجربتي الشخصية…والأفضل من الأباء أن يحرصوا على أطفالهم مش بس في علاماتهم وواجباتهم!

This is MY personal perspective and opinion. My experience was really bad. I graduated years ago but the bad memories still linger and I want parents to rethink enrolling their kids here especially locals. 100% of the teachers are from Levantine countries or Egyptian (they do not employ locals for whatever reason) and they ALWAYS gave preferential treatment to kids from their countries. No exceptions. If they find out that a local kid has mother from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt.etc.they might also give preferential treatment. If you speak in a local accent, expect to be mocked for it by the teachers and their pets. If you are one of the teacher’s kids then you are a superstar! They also focused a lot on religious teachings that do not agree with our present times. Please do not tell little girls that they have to cover up because if they get assaulted then it’s their fault. So many of the stories our Islamic Education teachers told us were over-exaggerated or made up just to put fear in children’s hearts and to control them. An assistant to the principle would come in periodically to search the student’s bags and frisk them (literally putting her hand on the students with a special focus on the bra area) which now I know is actually ILLEGAL because you cannot frisk anyone who is not under arrest. I was told that after I graduated they started using devices when they frisk the students. Teachers lack compassion and think that shouting and detention are the answer with no taking consideration the children’s mental, emotional, and physical needs. They were so obsessed and extremely militant about arriving at the exact minute every single day with no concern about the already sleep-deprived kids who NEED more sleep more than the adults. We all hated our time there. Please rethink enrolling your children to this school. Again this is my opinion.
03 April 2022 2:28
The transport dept.of the school is the worst ever! Kids arriving home 3 hours after dispatched from the school (normally is less 20min drive) is not an exception for them. On top of that, apologizing and admitting those mistakes is not in their dictionary!
Drivers don’t know the roads, careless bus assistances and Zero school communication.
In nutshell, school transport is ZERO.
03 February 2022 4:12
It worth 1 star but im generous

Removed the 2 star and made it 5

This was the young me, now that ive grown i just realized how good it was sorry dns
19 January 2022 0:56
أنا والد الطالبه تاليه احمد مسعود بصف الأول فئه أ اتشكر اداره المدرسه على حرفيتهم بانتقاء الأنسه بشرى مدرسه اللغه الانجليزيه وذلك لتفانيها بالعمل ومعاملتها للأطفال كانهم اطفالها لدرجه ان الاطفال يحبونها اكثر من اهلهم معاملتها الراقيه واحساسها المرهف نادر جدا فضلا لا امرا من اداره المدرسه لو يتم تكريم الانسه بصوره تليق رقي معاملتها ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير من جهه اخرى اريد ان اتشكر الأنسه مياده انسه اللغه العربيه لتفانيها بالعمل ومتابعه ابنتي بشكل يومي في كل صباح وترتيب المنهاج بمسيره الطالبه ومساعدتها على فهم المنقوص من المعلومات لديها في كل صباح والتواصل معنا طوعيا باحضار الطالبه بشكل مبكر في كل صباح لتركيز المنهاج للبنت بدون طلب مننا ابدا وذلك على حساب وقتها وجهدها واصرارها على تفوق كل طلاب الصف اتمنا لها من كل قلبي النجاح والتوفيق بحياتها المهنيه والعائليه والأسريه لأنها مثال يحتذى به ففضلا لا امرا من اداره المدرسه لو يتم تكريمها بشكل لائق لمسيرتها المهنيه ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير في نهايه التعليق شكرا شكرا للكادر المسؤول عن حسابات الأقساط المدرسيه وثمن الكتب واليونيفورم في تطبيق اعلى معايير الأمان في طريقه الدفع عبر الأنترنيت بحيث يكون سهل جدا على اي ولي امر وبحيث يتطبق فيه نظام دوله الأمارات في التباعد الصحي للمجتمع وتسهيل العاملات الألكترونيه نحن ممتنون لكم ولجهودكم الجباره وجزاكم الله الف خير وفي الختام لكل سفينه ربان وربان هذا النجاح مديره المدرسه الفاضله التي لا تتوانى عن تقديم اي تطوير للارتقاء بالمدرسه اولا والأرتقاء بنفسها وبكادرها التعليمي كونها علم من اعلام دوله الإمارات في اداره كبرى المدارس الحديثه الف الف شكرا لها والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اخوكم ابو عبد الرحمن والد تاليه مسعود واختكم ام تاليه والدتها
28 December 2021 9:53
Worst school ever.they do not teach well teachers are always mad.we have a lot of homework with limited amount of time.they never think of our wellbeing and they do a lot of campaigns about it lol.
15 November 2021 4:11
التعامل مع الموظفين والادارة جدا سهل وحديثهم لين جدا يعني صراحة صورة جميلة جدا عن التعامل مع الناس. صار لنا ناقلين شهر لدبي وسجلت مدارس كثير ولكن تعامل الموظفين في هالمدرسة تحديدا لفتني حتى لو اتصلت هاتفيا بتلاقي من يجيبك عن سؤالك او يحولك للجهة المعنية بينما واجهت مشكلة مع غيرها مدارس لا يجيبون حتى على الهاتف
26 September 2021 23:24
I am a highly satisfied parent. My daughters enjoy a balanced life of education, morals, fun and social communication in this school.
17 December 2019 10:05
First of all, all of the people who rated 5 stars are probably told by the staff. Secondly, this school has a few extremely good teachers who honestly deserve all of our respect. However, the school is poor in many ways. The staff don't care about the students. They always take sides with teachers when it comes to any job. Furthermore, they tend to ignore our requests. In addition, I feel like the school is lacking in cleanliness. Everyday I have to walk by ketchup on the floor.everyday. And, the toilets are always dirty, they smell really bad. The soap looks like it came out of a neon light, and I see it in a bucket that has water for the bathroom. However, the curriculum is good, the subjects are also good. But the problem is, some teachers cannot covey ideas or lessons to us. Therefore, elective subjects tend to get hard. Finally, this school deserves a 1 star. Wait, there is no 0 star option!
12 December 2019 7:11
When went to there tournament it was a very very bad experience they don t even serve us food and there is no respect for the teachers and for the new students like me so I don’t recommend to go there because there is bully and say to go Dubai national school al Tawar because there is no bully and they respect each other
20 October 2019 23:18
Honestly dont send anybody here. I have had the worst experience ever over the years with this school it literally feels like jail. The food is not good, restrooms smells, and somedays I dont feel like I learned anything. Most of the people would say the same thing. I even feel embarrassed to say the name of this school. I even have a lot more to say about it, and all are negative reviews. Even most of the good teachers have left the school. This is my honest opinion from an experience.
26 April 2019 16:21
من اجمل المدارس في دبي عندي ولدين دارسين فيها من الكيجي الى الابتدائيه جدا جميله وتعاملهم راقي مع الاطفال والاجمل ان مافي ضغط ع الام في مراجعه الدروس مع الاطفال ياتون من المدرسه فاهمين كل الدروس ان شاء الله مااغير اولادي من هل المدرسه لانها جدا جميله من ناحيه طاقم المدراسين ومن ناحيه الخطط الاسبوعيه بيمشو عليها زي ماهو مكتوب بالورقه اغلب المدارس ماتمشي مع الخطط الاسبوع يكون في تغير دايما بس هالمدرسه ماشيه بالنظام جدا جميله وخصوصا فرررع البرشاء.
06 February 2019 21:39
I just puted 4 starz becuz I want to go to college If they put lowers starz u can't even join a college or a university. New Generation Are Dumb Gen/Z

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