12 September 2023 16:17
The credit card of Dubai first is very very bad and they give you quick cash and flexi pay, and they not take monthly installment only they take the interest monthly but your original loan they will keep it until your plan finish then you will surprise with huge amount of your money you must pay for them in one day and if you can't pay and sure you will can't pay, so the take very huge interest up to 4.5 % monthly until you will pay the full outstanding balance may be reach to thousand dirrham every month, take care from this credit card, I will not advise any one to take from them.
15 May 2023 11:22
Dubai first credit card is a worst credit card. The agent and and bank both manipulated with me and they gave membership fee even they told me if you spend money here there… like that. Very very lair they are

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