27 October 2022 21:37
I should have checked the reviews before I hired these people. Up front they seem very responsive and helpful but once you give payment they constantly ask you to pay for different services. When trying to get logo and stationary designs they sent me a very blurred picture that is not readable. Also the lack of communication when trying to get revisions is like pulling teeth. When I pointed out these flaws I suddenly got a change of tone from the company and they became very rude and I'm professional. I would get them negative Stars if possible.
03 October 2022 3:16
This company is currently operating a scam to try and extort money from previous customers. Please check Trust Pilot to confirm this. I, and others, have reported them to the cyber fraud centre. Please avoid.
02 April 2022 20:00
I was so grateful to pixels logo design for not only refining the logo that my daughter created for me seven years ago but for trademarking my company and making me aware of someone attempting to trademark all of my years of hard work I highly recommend them for their responsiveness professionalism and ethics
12 January 2022 23:15
If you check Trust Pilot, Yelp and other review sites, you will find hundreds of reviews saying the exact same thing: this website is a scam!

From our personal experience, they took our money and then tried to extort more. In the end, they never delivered anything.
02 December 2019 13:51
I have just read the review of Sabrina Smith and I echo her comments. My experience has been exactly the same. I have never left a review before, but I felt so upset with the service (or lack of) that I received from pixels logo design that I had to post this. I employed them to create a website, logo and app. They will incentivise you to pay up front by lowering the price, but then they won't deliver the product in a timely manner. It is 2.5 years now since I employed them and it still isn't what I wanted. To be honest I'm worn out having to deal with them. I think sadly, it is time to employ someone else. Don't bother to ask Pixels for the following you'll never get it: a deadline they can stick to, a refund, a product that works properly and is fully tested, any level of customer service (they never answer the phone and the chat is unknowlegable people).
I'm very disappointed with this company and would describe them as an amateur setup at best. I'd steer clear, especially if you're looking for a website. Use wix instead far cheaper and easier to use.
15 November 2019 1:16
Dear Sir
hope you are well
Kindly note that I have complain from one of your employee by name of Joe Conner and want to share with you my experience to request for simple for assistance.

Few days back we have requested to just add email address to our domain which you are holding but we didn’t receive any respond nobody was answering the phone or emails or live chats, yesterday I have send reminder and above mentioned person give us call and said he is able to do it, I just asked for the price of C-Panel manage our email ourselves but he said 1000 us$, and I told him I have to check with my management and then come back to him, unfortunately my management didn’t agree for the price and I told the same to Joe the same. But he start using the words which was not expected from your company employee and blacking mailing me that you have to pay 1000us$ otherwise we are not going to do anything more for you guys as we did enough.

I even told him this is not right to behave with customer and give me your Management email or telephone number but he said I am most senior and I cannot give you their contact details. And our request was was very simple I was thinking to get in touch with you and to inform you about your employee behavior and if you can do our request to just and like always add another email to our domain.

You can get in touch with me by email or my mobile which i have informed you in private message in facebook or instrgram and see what is our request.

Anyway I believe my request was very simple and possible to be fulfilled without above mentioned and I just want to share this with you in order to understand that this is not way of behavior with your regular customer which working with your company for more than 2years.regards
06 December 2018 7:27
I will start by saying I am sorry that I needed to resort to this action. I have given Pixels Logo Design over 15 months to complete my project. The job was to design my logo, stationary, website, and social media platforms. The work was contracted in January or February of 2017, and as of today (May 23,2018) the services have not been completed. I have numerous emails asking for revisions to errors they made on services. I have asked for senior designers on my project because the mistakes they made indicated the work of novice designers. I don't care if they employ less experienced staff members provided they have the skills to complete the job. The quality of their work indicated that they do not higher skilled designers. There is more I could share but it would take a novel to write. I have never done anything like this before but I felt this was worth reporting. I would not recommend this vendor. Perhaps your experience will be different; however, maybe these types of reviews will force them to consider their business practices and take better care of their customers.
28 November 2018 6:42
Never deal with them, they don't know how to make website that i requested to them, i canceled my package and i should get half refund but i didn't get it: 499$

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