01 February 2024 9:49
they were selling the S26gold for 43aed then when you paid they said it increase and became 53aed. how come they did not change the price tag. its misleading customers. simple just replace the price tag. very very frustrating
09 December 2023 17:43
It's About GP Clinic, If you like to be insulted, bad behaviour from staff and call centre

Even dubai police was called to register a complaint against there bad behaviour
24 August 2023 4:18
I had a regrettable experience with [Life pharmacy]. I paid for a medication but never received it, and the pharmacy promised to refund my money but never happened. I’m waiting since 3 weeks and nothing happened, feels like they cheating me, Their lack of resolution and poor customer service left me feeling cheated and frustrated.

I advise others to exercise caution when dealing with [Life pharmacy], as my experience highlights potential issues with their integrity and customer service.
09 August 2023 7:54
Excellent Service and knowledgeable staff. Great customer service with pleasant attitude.
02 August 2023 22:38
I’ll never ever order anything from their pharmacy 2 times I made an order they delayed a lot and I have called them after 1 hours and 20 minutes they told me there is no medicine under my name, this is a pharmacy there should not be a mistake with the medicine this is life of people. Not recommended at all
27 July 2023 0:07
Service is really good, professional staff, good atmosphere. Overall good pharmacy
17 January 2023 20:21
They’re so slow so so slow also through their app! This is the worst service I’ve ever had since being in UAE! Unbelievable how they treat the customers like they don’t exist! The call centre respond after 25 to 30 min and. The chat on the app is even more catastrophic he normally left me on the middle of the conversation!

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