26 December 2023 4:14
Great school with many activities for my children and equal education for all ages.highly suggest it for the best experience
03 December 2023 22:36
I am proud to be a part of SRS The collaborative and supportive environment among the staff fosters a culture of dedication to our students' success. The school's commitment to innovation and its unique programs truly set it apart. Grateful to contribute to such a positive educational community
26 September 2023 7:22
No personal devices allowed at all, even if you needed to contact a parent, guardian or driver, they'll forcefully take your device and lock it inside a safe. The management yell at students very often, and the students themselves are extremely rude and noisy, especially in the secondary side.

Whenever we have a Souk event or sale they make us pay "tax" and it is child labour, they didn't do anything but organize the event and promise us that we get to keep our money. They try to make us pay for the stands and try to swindle 20% of our money.

The holidays are much shorter than other schools.
The days are 7: 20 - 3: 05; the UK and US curriculum kids have unfair schedules.
20/25 minutes for break for the UK section, and even one minute late you will get shouted at.
40 minutes/over 1 hour break for the US curriculum, and they can be 8 minutes late and the teachers cannot object because they have to change classes, despite them being on one floor and not many of them. The UK curriculum students have classes that span over 2 floors and outside their section.
There are holes and Graffiti everywhere.

The teachers are underpaid and they will not give you your money's worth. Please just get a private tutor or choose another school.

The will not give holidays despite of flooding and heavy rain, everyone is miserable but the school owner just wants money. Too many overworked employees, administrators and teachers.

The 7-9th grade students act like small children and people often gang up on some students as if they were delinquents. There are barely any students in 10th grade and the seniors are allowed to wear or do whatever they wanted.

The cafeteria food is terrible and overpriced, and if you are a student with less than at least 100 dirhams you may not be able to afford a full week of canteen food, plus the card machines are often broken and cannot accept the new dirham notes.

Beware when bringing in your child here. It may ruin their health, with the new teachers almost always refusing to put any effort, extremely weak mentally. There are incidents of extreme abuse. Some students end up doing self harm.
13 September 2023 23:04
The school was way better last year. Sadly they keep getting rid of all the good teachers that we as students could actually relate to more and made lessons so interesting. We don’t want old school teachers that just read off the board and then give us worksheets everyday. It just makes the day so boring and pointless. Teachers should at least have some personality.
02 July 2023 8:27
I strongly recommend you to choose this school for the high quality of teaching combined with the supportive, kind, and engaging atmosphere. Teachers are passionate about seeing their students succeed and be at their best behavior. The building is so spacious and the facilities are excellent and meets all the requirements.
29 June 2023 19:47
I have been in this school for 7 years and I never had a problem that I couldn’t tell the teachers that are always there to help the students if they need help
12 June 2023 1:03
مبروك على اهتمامكم المادي اكثر من اهتمامكم بطلاب الفاظ بذيئة و المدرسه هي التربيه و التعلم. من غير الانشطه اللي مبالغ في اسعارها المفروض تكون مجانية على المبالغ اللي ادفعها على قلت ادب و اراف
23 May 2023 9:48
It’s a disappointment how the school changed in the past year it went from best to the worst school, the head department is the worst they don’t treat teachers nor students good they treat students like objects they are overloading them with soo many useless rules and using their power to make students life worse, the school ac is really bad they barely look at facility, the head teachers treat students only on their background different people get different respect,
16 December 2022 13:13
Perfect level of Arabic and Islamic performance, they advance if you compere thme with other school.
English also very good, the school very supportive for the parents.
06 December 2022 19:25
مدرسة رائعة بكل مافيها. أنا عندي 3اولاد فيها بمراحل مختلفة من ثلاث سنوات للان. متميزين بكل
كوادرهم. بدأ من قسم التسجيل والاستقبال والابتسامة الرائعة والاستجابة السريعة وروعة اخلاقهم وتعاملهم والرقي. وقسم الويفير الرائع بيتميز بالمتابعة الدقيقة الطلاب والتواصل المباشر مع اولياء الامور. لقسم العربي المتميز والقوي ومدرسين أقل مايقال عنهم ممتازززززين. 3سنوات معهم من الابداع والتميز. مدرسة فعلا. تتميز بقيادة رائعة حكيمة راقية
03 November 2022 17:19
I love this school my sisters just graduated, I love it! They’ve got amazing sport fascilities:). I am proud to be in the srs family
17 October 2022 17:00
School is the worst I’ve seen, the students don’t care about anything most students are Arabs the girls are very undisciplined and the toilets are always dirty.the teachers are always screaming at the students to concentrate but they’re on their phones 24/7. When other Students are trying to concentrate they’re always interrupting the class or come again laughing, ALOT of girls actually skip class this is a very bad schoolyou should never send them here.this isn’t like a school my kids have bullying trauma here, hitting, laughing, picking on them just cause they’re Pakistani
18 September 2022 8:56
مدرسه متميزه من جميع الجوانب الاداريه والاكاديميه وتسعى دائما لتقديم الأفضل للطلاب والأهالي والاداره متعاونة بشكل كبير مع الاهالي وتأخذ ملاحظاتهم بعين الاعتبار لما فيه مصلحة الطلبه
24 August 2022 8:04
I Started in this school since FS1 and at first the school was quite professional back then it had great teachers but now the school has gotten worse throughout the years I've been in SRS And also the students there have no manners I was even also a major victim for bullying for no reason all and the teachers don't do anything about it and also all the students there do is not listening to the teachers by not respecting them in the American curriculum and they also don't even pay attention there as well and they always talk in the middle of any class and the teachers don't do anything about it luckily had great friends there who were there for me and who had supported me and school is a place for people to learn and getting an education so that they will have a great career one day for some others it isn't so if anyone that wants to join SRS I recommend not to join there at all avoid this school at all cost and also one more thing the school has one of the worst dress codes I've ever seen.
18 August 2022 4:42
I’ve been in this school since fs1 and let me just say there is pros and cons of it. From my years at SRS I did learn many things and made new friends but it was a stressful time. Some students don’t have any respect or decency for the teachers or students which isn’t acceptable they just throw random slur or cursing words at people, teachers get mad for the littlest reasons. The classrooms, bathrooms and almost everything aren’t clean.the cleaners don’t even do anything they just sit there with their phones eating peanuts or some food with an unpleasant smell. The school is a fun place they have good trips and some fun lessons I enjoy going there everyday however at some points I do feel uncomfortable or scared, i’m not trying to say don’t come to this school just think before u do honestly.
26 July 2022 7:06
I am the mother of a student in the school of research science since 4 years, at that time I saw perfection and harmony in working as a professional organized team trained, for the Arabic section is characterized by idealism and their keen interest in Arabic and poetry and Islamic religion and the memorization of the Qur'an, and the British section they are dedicated organizers who improve the dealing with students according to their levels, the school of research science is one of the best schools that Allah has quidded me to put my child in and I hope for them all the best, highly recommended.
19 June 2022 13:10
I feel reassured about the health of my children at the school of Research science because of the high level of hygiene and sterilization
12 June 2022 3:52
خبرتي مع مدرسة البحث العلمي كمؤسسة تعزز الأعمال التطوعية وأهدافها الانسانية من قيم ومبادئ في عقول الطلاب وحب الخير والتسامح فيما بينهم،
كما يتبنون كثير من الأنشطة الهادفة التي تنمي المهارات وتنمي التواصل الاجتماعي وتشعرهم أن المدرسة مكان يحقق السعادة و الرفاهية لكل طالب.
11 June 2022 8:58
I really recommend you to choose this school for the high quality of teaching combined with the supportive, kind, and engaging atmosphere. Teachers are passionate about seeing their students succeed and be at their best behavior. The building is so spacious and the facilities are excellent and meets all the requirements.
09 June 2022 11:50
The School of Research Science is the second educator for my children in good morals and true religion
04 June 2022 11:36
SRS has its own atmosphere
It lets you feel that you are one member of big family
The relation between students and between them and the teachers is beautiful and so respectful
01 June 2022 5:54
كثيرة هي الأشياء التي تميز هذه المدرسة العريقة. أجمل ما فيها اهتمامهم بالقيم الإسلامية والعربية الأصيلة. تستطيع تعرف هذا من أول خطوة لك داخل المدرسة، حيث البناء الحديث بطراز أندلسيّ ساحر، وزخارف إسلامية تعود بك للماضي الجميل.
لقد حصل أبنائي على تقدم كبير جدا على مستوى التعليم والشخصية والسلوك.
أنصح بها بشدة فهي خير وجهة للاستثمار في أبنائنا وتربيتهم
20 May 2022 14:31
Seriously? The worst school ever first of all this school is very strict with arabic 24/7 we have it 3-4 times a day, kids are disrespectful, skip class my sister tells me of how girls make teachers thier friends (supervisors) and then do whatever they want. She also told me that kids have been making excuses, they are a very bad influence on ur child. They post snaps of teachers and if u have an innocent behaved child pls pls dont sEND UR CHILD! Next of all this school provides NO TRIPS and no good classes, the after school activities should be free or atleast 1-300 PER MONTH this school has a book fee, everything costs money the majority of the students are arab but oh god! Pls-
02 May 2022 2:39
I have two kids in SRS and they are really happy with their teachers.
They are making daily progress.
The Arabic level and Islamic classes are so good
The English classes are handled by British native speakers.
The communication with the school is good and they are using technology to interact with parents.
29 April 2022 0:06
American curriculum is very bad the teachers there are unqualified and they don’t know how to teach they put teachers that are big in age that don’t even know how to teach they only know how to call parents and tell them that your child is bad.they need to put better teachers in the us curriculum we pay money and the teachers doesn’t even teach our kids!
01 March 2022 0:38
This is in full honesty, the worst school to be in.in pictures, it looks like the perfect school but it’s literally falling apart.so many students and teachers are leaving all the time.the food is always overcooked or undercooked or oily.tables are always in horrible condition, classrooms are always dirty.the bathrooms always smell awful and the cleaners are always on their phones.only four sinks work and the soap they use smells really bad and is really cheap.the girls in school are literally horrible and always disrespectful to everyone (including members of staff) except their friends.the boys never wear their masks.american curriculum is a literal mess and i’ve never seen anyone there do any actual studying, as almost everyone who’s part of it has joined it because it’s ‘fun’. Students are so obviously treated differently by members of staff depending on where they’re from, and who their parents are.everything is always so unorganised and us students have to deal with everything changing during the day.the wi-fi is so slow and always goes out during lessons which slows down our learning.boys just casually throw slurs at the POC teachers and of course, there are no consequences.however, students have gotten or almost gotten suspended for something as small as wearing a hoodie.the welfare department always act like they care about you and your mental health and well-being but all they do is tell your parents and make the situation a million times worse and bigger than it should be.unless you wanna hate your school years, don’t come to this school.
19 February 2022 22:48
The uniform policy is absolutely ridiculous, the reasons are ridiculous.
No white shoes, no hoodies, no jumpers.
They will send you home for wearing these.
The breaks are so short, while others get a week of midterm we only get a day.
10 May 2021 11:25
I gave SRS five stars and I am the most appreciative to my parents that they enrolled me into this school. This school is phenomenal, I have so many friends and memories never mind that the teachers of this school are just extraordinary and they always care about your learning, they always give the the utmost of attention and care for your education, and I can proudly and firmly say that each and every boy and girl in the school are so happy and proud to be part of the SRS family the memories they make and the caring teachers they have always draws a smile on the faces of the people in this school as their brains light up with the knowledge and ideas they are receiving from these magnificent teachers we have. The most I can say is that im
04 May 2021 20:01
I have been at this school for 7 years now.
My relationships with the teachers is really strong, they make you feel really safe and peaceful like a family.
The school offers really a lots of facilities.
Most problems that happens in the school will be solved instantly.
The students in the school are really friendly and kind, even after they graduate they are still friends.
I will feel sad to leave the school because I will miss everyone.
30 April 2021 4:44
It’s as if each section is another school I went for the it for my card and they said go to reception when arrived there they said you have to go to the IT very slow process bad IT
20 April 2021 20:47
مدرستنا البحث العلمي توصف لنا معنى الحب والمودة وقد سميت مدرستنا بالبحث العلمي وهذا ما يبين لنا كيفية انهم مهتمين بأن نبحث قبل كل شيء وهذا ما يبين مدى تفهم المدرسة وعقلانية التفكير السليم لدى المدرسة، ومدرستنا لها من أفضل وأرقى المدرسين ويساعدونك في كل عائق. ووفرت لنا المدرسة كمية مشاريع كبيرة تساعد الطلاب من حيث العلم و الفائدة، ومن أجمل الأشياء التي قد وفرت لنا هي الملاعب والصفوف الراقية التي تجعل من الطالب لا يفرق بين المدرسة وبيته.
13 April 2021 8:07
SRS is an amazing, the school where I learnt English in the school and was taught many manners and still learning more and more things in school they teach from swimming to Shakespeare’s books. The school is also sanitized daily while making masks mandatory to keep the students safe, there are playgrounds for children in their break or lunch time so they don’t get bored with all the lessons and letting students compete in projects and some of the competition are money rewards or teams point, they have nurses Incase students gets hurt, they help students who need a little more help in lessons and do not tolerate bullying or fighting and also award students for good behavior. They have camps and trips some are educational and some are just fun in lesson they use iPads instead of books which is better because it’s better for trees, they recycle a lot they don’t judge people by their skin tone, or religion they are fair and they try to do the best for the students.
04 April 2021 12:32
I'm a student in srs school since 7 years ago and I'm really happy to be a part from the srs family I would like to thank all my teachers for working hard with me and all student
18 March 2021 22:39
My friend was with the IT team this was like 2 months ago they IT manager touched his shoulder to lead him out this was through the pandemic when COVID-19 was at a peak it could have endangered him and his family and his friends
09 March 2021 21:56
جربت ٣ مدارس خلال ٧ سنوات لعيالي لكن البحث العلمي جمعت قوة التعليم في اللغه العربية والانجليزية وحسيت بالفرق في تفكير العيال.

وبالنسبة للاسعار تعتبر ارخص الغالين وهذا نظير الخدمات المقدمة ومبنى جديد يعتبر ايقونه الصراحة.

ما ندمت على كل فلس دفعته على المدرسة (بناء على تجربتي الشخصية)
04 October 2020 19:52
A wonderful school that perfectly combines the teaching of the Arabic language and the English language.and the students in it are among the best students in behavior and respect.and the management in the school care about all issues and opinions.
24 August 2020 8:11
لدي ثلاثة أبناء في مدرسة البحث العلمي منذ تسعة أعوام، يعتبرون المدرسة بيتهم الثاني لما فيها من أمان وراحة نفسية واهتمام كبير بتحقيق السعادة للطلبة بالإضافة إلى اهتمام المدرسة بمستواهم التعليمي وتطورهم الأكاديمي. نعم الصرح العلمي لأبنائي مدرسة البحث العلمي.
04 May 2020 6:57
I don’t like this school because all the teachers lie and bully me but students are very well behaved and when I was grade 3 we had teachers who pinched our cheek as if they were laughing with us but it actually hurt and when we say ouch they don’t stop and they did it when they got mad. And our cheeks used to get red, other than that they were men and I am a girl I was just in year 3 at the time so I didn’t know anything. I don’t recommend this school at all and all the people that give good reviews are probably teachers or they get paid l didn’t even see one good review by a student.
07 April 2020 5:05
Words can not describe how terrible this school is. When I step in this school my mood goes from happy to depressed. ما أقنعنكم تدخلون هل مدرسه
27 February 2020 22:19
Football ground is nice with good facilities. No crowdy area and no tensions for car parking. Calm place good for schools
15 March 2018 21:13
كانت في السابق قويه وخصوصا في اللغة الانجليزية تأسيس قوي جدا ولكن بعد الانتقال المبنى الجديد تدنى المستوى بشكل ملحوظ. مبالغه كبيره في السعر بسبب المبنى ومحتواه ولكن ماذا عن تطور التعليم والذي يجب ان يكون اهم من فخامة المبنى؟؟ في المراحل العليا ضعف شديد في التعليم خصوصا المواد العلميه. عدد الطلاب في الفصل يفوق الثلاثين طالب. قلة السلك التدريسي وضغط على المدرسين وعدم خبرتهم وعدم تمكنهم من السيطره على الطلاب وتوصيل المعلومة وعدم تمكن الطالب من استيعاب الدرس. نظام التعليم والغير مفهوم لدى الكثير من الأهل والغير معتمد على الدرجات بشكل واضح مما يجعل الأهل لا يعرفون مستوى ابنهم وعدم وجود نجاح ورسوب فينتقل الطالب المرحله التاليه وهو ضعيف اكاديميا وعدم وجود منهج وكتب وواجبات والتي تعد حلقة وصل بين البيت والمنزل والتي تسهل على الأهل معرفة إمكانيات ابنائهم اكاديميا خطوه خطوه
19 February 2018 4:21
I am a year 7 student and here’s my point of view of the school. Our school uniforms are not cheap quality, every year the schools provides us with new uniforms. (however in my point of view I hate the uniforms). Uniforms become better, but most people buy their pants from mark and Spencer’s.yes, we do have junk food in the school (non healthy) but we still have healthy foods such as salads and a few other options.school bathrooms don’t have bad smells only a couple of times, our cleaners clean the bathrooms.we have bullying competitions and things like that, I won’t say that we don’t have bullying in the school we do. The bad point of view of all the students in the school is”when inspectors (KHDA) come we are not allowed to walk in the corridors during Breaks and lunch, and sometimes don’t go to the bathroom during lessons. The school trips are very expensive and the boys trips are much more than the girls trips.
15 February 2018 17:39
My kids in this school for 7 years

Bad quality for teaching
Vvvvv racist
Its just fr high class arab people for pakistani nd other nationality they have no respect

Meeting are important for our kids r done in arabic
Not nice schoool

Vvv dissatisfaction
Kids r bullied for years

Vv cheap quality uniform once it has a pen mark in t shirt it cannnot get removed
01 February 2018 18:18
This school used to be a good school few years ago when it was smaller and had good caring teachers.
They decided to grow, and promised to be a Renovation school in teaching in all Dubai. However, What was promised was not delivered.
Rules & Regulation DO NOT exist in this school. The Management have no clue how to manage such a big school.
2- in 1 Management in one school – One is the Arabic, which has all the control. The second, supposed British, Lack of communication & language between the two Management.

Too Much Bullying in School. (Sadly to say even from Teachers and Heads & Supervisores). There is clear discrimination from Teachers, Especially from the Arabic Side.

Teachers are very stressed, student can clearly feel it, they do not have the control of the classes and the students, because the classes are crowded (if you complain, the answer is KHDA permitted us).

The Arabic Management do not speak proper English.
Facility of new school seems very luxury, however in reality it is not. PCs at the lab are outdated, student always face difficulties using them.
WC not clean, lack of proper cleaning tools for student (hand wash).
The above is only few facts based on experience.
22 December 2017 18:35
Comimg from Deira International School in festival city. I have moved my kid to this school. My doughter went to yr2 and she didnt have the basic skills to read and write, thanks to diera school. After spending two month in school of research she now can read write in english and arabic. I was so suprised and happy with this amazing improvment in her education. She has improved and start to depend on her self in doing homework.
12 December 2017 19:01
Hellos was a great night and a good day to be with me today I have to be a baby shower now I will see what you can get to do I have a good day
14 June 2017 1:14
Worst school to ever visit with a bad education horrible staff not respect to any one no parking Arrogant Management disgusting Behavior i don't suggest any one to register at this horrible Place
29 May 2017 23:16
Five stars for the building and facilities
A huge building
Spacious halls class rooms and Corridors
Upon dreams
But I have no idea about the
Classification or ranking
I am Astonished

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