22 July 2020 19:40
We would like to share a story of Transformation. Being an established company Silver Corner has come across many designing and market consultants. The Cloud Thinkers differs from all with their professionalism and customer centric approach. Till our association with them, Designing and Marketing consultants for us was persons who gave lesser or equal to our suggestions on designing and marketing ideas. Their involvement and creativity limited to one or two additional brush strokes to our design ideas or a few grammatical corrections and channel suggestions to the content draft we give to them for review.

The entire scenario transformed when we associated with The Cloud Thinkers. Till then my presumption about Digital marketing was, postings in Facebook and occasional advertisements in Google. It is not that hard…even my staff can do. But “The Cloud Thinkers” changed my entire mindset. They acted as our extended marketing department. Shown as the power of “Data Driven Marketing”. Relied on our suggestions but transformed and tailor made them as per the market demand.

Now I realize that Marketing is not that simple at this era of digital revolution. A professional agency like “The Cloud Thinkers” who blends their technical expertise & Business acumen with Management principles can really bring change.

It’s truly a pleasure working with The Cloud Thinkers. Look forward to growing my business with The Cloud Thinkers.

Ziyad K P
General Manager,
Silver Corner Trading

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