17 January 2024 1:50
It was a living hell my grandpa went there he was good and fine but wen he left he can’t walk and his hart stops then they said he died then we tell them to give him some thing but forget what it is then he start to breathe they just what all to die I hop this hospital close and happened to my friend mom then she sadly died and happened again to my mom friend’s mother and she sadly died I hop this stupid hospital closed
13 January 2024 10:54
Bad experience with ICU, never get your old patient to this hospital most probably the situation will get worse.it’s not only one case! I hope the authority investigate and rectify the issues.

However we hear good reputation with the other specialized clinics but not the emergency
24 July 2023 14:23
مستشفى راقي والتعامل مع الجمهور ممتاز فقد كانت تجربتي في قسم الطوارئ الذي يعمل على مدار الساعة 24/7 و قد تم التعامل مع الحالة بحرفية طبيه من قبل الدكتور و قسم التمريض
17 July 2023 5:14
تفاجأت انكم الى الان تسألون عن المرور الاخضروعايشين اجواء كورونا ، مدة المرور الاخضر 30 يوم، سؤالي هو هل خلال ال 30 يوم انا محصن ضد كورونا؟ هل اذا عندي المرور الاخضر يعني انا مابنصاب بكورونا ؟ انا ممكن ان اكون مصاب بكورونا وعندي المرور الاخضر واعادي كل حد ، ارجوا منكم النظر الى الموضوع بعقلانية
16 June 2023 10:18
بصراحه اسوء مستشفى دخلته ف حياتي حتى المسؤول المناوب مايعرف يتصرف فـ ابسط المشاكل. اتمنى يدخلون دورة فن التعامل مع العميل. وشكرا
12 June 2023 8:47
افشل عياده عيادة الجهاز الهضمي نجي على الموعد وننتظر ثلاث ساعات ابد مافي اي تقيد بالمواعيد ولا تنظيم
01 April 2023 5:26
صرح طبي شامخ من معالم الدولة ومن افضل الاجهزة الطبيه في العالم والدكاترة على اعلى مستوى ولكن ملاحظات بسيطة اتمنى منهم ياخذون بعين الاعتبار التقييم والملاحظات من المواطنين كل واحد يدخل يسوون معاه استبيان
وياخذونها بعين الاعتبار يعني مثلاً القنوات التلفزيونية مهمة بالنسبة للمريض او المرافق بحاجة للتحسين جداً يعني تنجبر على 5 قنوات والصوت يفرق مجرد عامل فني يحسن الوضع لكن من يتحرك!
24 February 2023 19:49
Hello! Good evening! I'm a Registered Nurse looking for job, Do you have any requirements for Registered Nurse
11 January 2023 14:56
Clean and neat, but that's it. As a hospital and professionalism, I would have given them a 0/5 if I could.
Went in to see an ENT specialist due to sinusitis. Took me more than 5 hours to do a CT scan and had to wait again endlessly for the invoice to be prepared, so long that I went back the next day. In the meantime I only saw a GP and no specialist.

I was told that to see the specialist I would have to wait much longer, so was advised to go see one somewhere else. After a visit to an ENT specialist, I was informed that the CT scan was wrong as it was a brain scan and not a sinus scan, the type of blood test was irrelevant as well as the ECG test. A complete waist of time and money while suffering. I will never return to this hospital again.
09 January 2023 20:48
قبل كانت ادارة كوريه ماسكة المستشفى. و كانوا ممتازين بصراحه. اما الحين شو وضعه ما اعرف لاني من اربع سنين ما راجعتهم. يقولون الكوريين راحوا من مستشفى و الله اعلم.
05 October 2022 12:13
انا اتعالج في قسم الاشعاعي للاورام في المستشفي واحتجت تقرير طبي عن حالتي (سي دي والتقرير) ضروي قدمت علي التقرير بتاريخ 1/8 واليوم تاريخ 22/8 لا مسج ولا اتصال من المستشفي بخصوص تقريري ، اتواصلت معاهم قالو انا ما قدمت للتقرير وما دفعت المبلغ مع اني مخلصه كل الاجراءات والغلط من موظف التقارير. واتصلت على قسم الشكاوي ما حصلت رد منهم وقالو بتتصل فيني مسؤولة قسم الشكاوي وما في رد. واخر شئ قالي موظف ان انا بس قدمت علي تقرير السي دي. ليش اتحمل اغلاط الموظف اللي مايعرف يأدي عمله - وانا من الشارجه وظروفي ما تسمح اني اسير يوم للسي دي ويوم للتقرير
مو معقوله انا بقضي يوم كامل اتصل للمستشفي ولا اقدر اكلم مسؤولة قسم الشكاوي
06 June 2022 3:16
مستشفى متكامل يوفر جميع الخدمات الطبية لي جميع سكان أمارة رأس الخيمه والمناطق المجاورة. مستشفى راقي من حيث النظافة والخدمة والتعامل. يستحق الثناء والشكر
28 April 2022 11:53
مستشفى جد ممتاز والطوارئ الله يعينهم بيحاولوا يساعدونا عقد مايقدروا بالخصوص دكتور مصري في الطوارئ كل اصحابي نصحوني فيه ساعد الوالده جدا كله زوق الله يباركله
26 February 2022 8:57
Good Experience with emergency for both services, most of staff is good and friendly got surprised for the free service including the medication as well. If referring from hospital
16 February 2022 19:23
‏دام عزك يالامارات مستشفى الشيخ خليفة التخصصي في إمارة رأس الخيمة صرح طبي كبير جدآ على مستوى عالمي
يضم تخصصات كثيرة تعامل راقي من جميع الموظفين واخص بالذكر الاخ محمد قسم الإدخال
اشكر القائمين علي هذا المستشفي
31 January 2022 10:06
ساير بعالج الحرمه من دول مجلس التعاون،الموظف الي ع الرسبشن هاتلي عقد اجار او شي يثبت انها تعيش وياك
تراها زوجتي وين بتعيش يعني تستغرب الصراحه
19 September 2021 14:32
مستشفى ممتاز بشكل عام، الأطباء والممرضين والأجهزة الحديثة وسرعة الفحوصات ودقتها، كل الشكر والتقدير لهم.
13 September 2021 3:16
للاسف ع فخامه المبنى والغرف. يحتاج الى مسؤلين في اجنحه التنويم. العمال يلسون يسولفون في الممرات. ولي ينظفون مايون الا بالحسره. والنيرسات يتأخرن يوم حد يطلبهن. ومش منتظمين في توفير الادويه. ولا حسيب ولا رقيب
03 May 2021 15:49
Worst emergency service, I visited them at 03: 30 Am cause I had asthma (shortness of breath) and my medicine was finished.

First, nurse has to take a permission from doctor to accept me,
Second I have to register cause this my first time,
Third I was informed that my insurance is not covered there and have to pay all amount and I later can check with insurance to reimbursement, all this time for wasting time

I really don't understand how they are dealing with people life in case of emergency.
12 April 2021 6:26
الصراحة كاهتمام ونظافة ورقي في التعامل. لكن غالي جدا جدا. بعالج السواقة. بس تحليل دم. وستي سكان. وسيلان. ب 3500 درهم. وهذا بعدة. ما خلصنا. العلاج.
07 January 2021 11:24
I had a sudden heart attack. I was away from my home. The same day I was meant to travel back to the UK was the same day I was meant to have stayed. I was transferred for emergency operation to Sheikh Khalifah Speciality hospital. It was a very dark day of pain and counting my last hours on this earth. Before I knew it Dr Al Ghafeeq from Jordan, had completed my non surgical operation under 20 mins and I had a breath flow again. I was alive. The care I received only I know. I will forever be grateful to the amazing nurses, Wafa, Rasha, Mohammed Ali and the rest of the amazing staff. They gave me words of wisdom and lifted my spirit. I love you all. Thank you.
26 December 2020 8:49
مستشفى تخصصي يقدم خدمات علاجيه متطوره وخاصة فيما يتعلق بأمراض القلب والقسطره بطاقم طبي من كوريا الجنوبيه. فشكرا دولتنا الحبيبه ورئيسها صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفه بن زايد حفظه الله ورعاه
23 November 2020 8:40
I have never ever seen an emergency room as bad. Zero sense of urgency. Medical staff walking around like they are on their holidays. I arrived in an ambulance with my friend who was in excruciating pain after being thrown off a bicycle.the nurses were like robots, not an ounce of care or nurture. I went out to ask for a pillow, one nurse was so engrossed in a conversation with her colleagues that she didnt even hear me the first time. It took them ages to give my friend something for the pain even after me asking three times. The saddest thing is you enter an emergency room in a serious state and ecpect fast service.but they couldn't care less. Serious training needed here and training on how to have a good bed side manner. Nurses are meant to be the most caring profession, not once were the words uttered "You will be okay, we are going to help you" Nothing. Robotic staff.
22 November 2020 14:10
Not health related experience, though I think worth sharing.
A bit of an emergency case, not the worse though. I had a motorcycle broken down next to the hospital. I approached the security box at the Emergency Entrance if they would allow me to park the bike overnight in the parking lot of the premises. The guard on duty - Babindra Achariya - after diligently securing an approval, helped out a stranger for no benefits. Next morning I fixed the bike and left the hospital. Good people are important assets to make up good companies. Thank you Babindra! I will remember I was helped out when I was in trouble at the Hospital!
21 October 2020 7:38
قسم الطوارئ معاناه حقيقيه في مدى توفر الطبيب للكشف عن المرضى الطارئين ، لمست مدى تألم الأهالي والاطفال لمدى هذا التأخير! ياترى اين الطبيب المتاوب للحالات الطارئه! وضع لايحتمل للأسف
06 August 2020 1:05
Unbelievably bad emergency room! I went yesterday around 8: 40 pm with my husband who wasn't breathing properly and my son who had light fever and light cough.
We waited for the doctor around 20 to 25 min to come. When the doctor came he had a face shield, gloves and complete PPE on. He didn't touch my son or my husband and said, its probably because you ate too much and left the room. He came back when I went outside because my husband was having a hard time breathing while waiting for them to wrote a prescription. He came back, placed the stethoscope on my husband's shoulder - I kid you not - and said there's nothing because your blood oxygenation is 100 so you're fine. Said the same for my son. We went again today to a different hospital that told us my son has bronchitis. My husband needs to also be checked which he will tomorrow. Clearly they missed a trick here. Very sad to see the declining standards of this place.
04 March 2020 9:05
Very bad service. Over priced with bad quality of service. Definetly would not recommend going there
02 February 2020 12:05
مستشفى مميز وجميل وخدمات متكاملة لعلاج مرضى السرطان وأكثر ؛

خفف من معاناة المواطنين والمقيمين ؛

يعجز اللسان عن الشكر والثناء لسيدي صاحب السمو رئيس الدولة الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان
19 January 2020 18:09
مستشفى متميز بكل معنى الكلمة شكراً الشيخ خليفة الله يطول بعمره. امي تعالجت ولله الحمد حبيت اشكر الطبيب سيجون كين على تعامله المتميز وحرصه ومتابعته للوالده شكرا جزيلاً
04 January 2020 4:18
I don’t know what’s worse, that I go there with a broken toe, wait more than an hour and half in the emergency till a doctor see me, after I was told by a staff member that my problem is not important and was given plenty of attitude, or that I exclaimed later about this and never got an answer.
I should have driven back to Dubai if I knew I had to wait that much to getuchtigd an awful experience from awful staff. Not all, and some were amazing.
Please make sure if you want to pretend that you are good, to at least try being good.

I do not recommend the emergency section at all.
01 December 2019 11:18
Came to Emrgency at 7: 40 pm on 14/11/2019 due to hornet sting my right leg registration philipino girl was so fast and done kept my Emirates ID as I m gonna pay in my Credit card
Due to my insurance not renewed yet anyhow went to see doctor waited till 8: 45 pm to doctor to see me in emergency and then nurse super job thank you faST treatment
And after that came to pay bill I have to wait and I’m still waiting now time 9: 32 I’m waiting for bill from 9pm no any other people when I ask it has to come from back office sad really poor system in great hospital and the lady very u professional speaking when you ask question no respect at all they forget that I’m part of their payroll so please treat every client fare and remember they pay your salary.

And in future please don’t waste client valuable time you have wasted from my life good 40 minutes so far sad

09 November 2019 9:30
ابوي سوه عملية قسطرة الاربعة عرب وضلوا نص ساعة عشان يكملون بالاخير اجه واحد اجنبي وسوه بعشر دقايق بعد مرور ساعة وهيه مطول 10 دقايق العملية

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